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Water Integrity
Global Outlook 3


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"Reliance on water as a basic commodity means that disruption of access to it from corruption has devastating social impacts, and disproportionately so for the poor. WIGO3 casts a fresh look at how the systems for financing the water sector can be affected and proposes new ways of approaching the problem."

Philip Mason, former anti-corruption adviser to UK Department for International Development,
member of the WIGO3 steering committee

Integrity for Water and
Sanitation Finance

Poor integrity and corruption jeopardise water and sanitation sector finances, increase the funding gap, and compromise sustainability.

To improve and increase financing, the latest reports on water and sanitation finance point to urgently needed reforms in systems, utility efficiency, and public financial management.

The upcoming Water Integrity Global Outlook (WIGO) shares insight, for governments, utilities, funders, and civil society, on which risks to watch out for and on how to make such reforms work, with integrity.

Previous editions

Urban Water and Sanitation - Integrity for Essential Services

Cities need clean water and sanitation, and clean water and sanitation need integrity - for city residents, city resilience, and city reputation. It’s essential.

This publication outlines what mayors, service providers, regulators, civil society organisations, and funders can do to understand and address risks related to petty corruption, procurement, sextortion, service exclusion and poor quality WASH services in informal settlements.

Clean Governance for Water - A Water Integrity Primer

This Water Integrity Global Outlook (WIGO) captures a growing recognition of the need for good governance and measures to eliminate corruption to improve sector performance.


WIGO highlights how institutional fragmentation and corruption undermine resources and services. It outlines recommendations and techniques that make improvements achievable.

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