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WIN Strategy 2023-2033: Catalysing a Culture of Integrity

Updated: Oct 6, 2023

Strategy document

Published: 2023

Over the past sixteen years, WIN has grown into a mature and well-respected NGO working closely together with its partners to place the issue of integrity in the water and sanitation sector higher on the global agenda.

WIN has recognised that the task of building integrity takes time and commitment. As a small organisation, WIN has created a niche for itself as a catalyst for the promotion and implementation of integrity actions in the water supply and sanitation sector. We rely strongly on our partners and other stakeholders as we strive together to achieve integrity.

WIN developed this Strategy 2023 - 2033 with input from our partners and key sector stakeholders through extensive interviews and focus group discussions, and under the guidance of a Steering Committee that included the Supervisory Board and a representative of the WIN members. We have decided on a 10-year strategy, to give time for integrity actions to take hold in the countries and organisations implementing them. WIN will monitor progress towards its vision along the way and make adjustments as needed.

“The challenges facing the water sector are immense and no single actor can solve them alone. Only through concerted efforts by all stakeholders—including governments, public institutions, businesses, private organisations, and civil society—can these challenges be confronted.”

- Barbara Schreiner, WIN Executive Director



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