Ask us anything: what do you want more information on in relation to integrity and finance for water and sanitation?
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We're writing blogs and articles to address reader questions on finance and integrity. We're also happy to collaborate and cowrite with our partners. Do get in touch!
"The water sector is an ideal prism through which to see both the means by which corruption blights lives and some of the potential approaches for confronting it, which could be transferable to other sectors. Reliance on water as a basic commodity means that disruption of access to it from corruption has devastating social impacts, and disproportionately so for the poor. WIGO24 casts a fresh look at how the systems for financing the water sector can be affected and proposes new ways of approaching the problem."
- Philip Mason, former anti-corruption adviser to UK Department for International Development, member of the WIGO2024 steering committee
The Water Integrity Global Outlook (WIGO) is a flagship publication of WIN and its network partners. Published every three years, it is a call for action for water integrity, bringing together the latest research and cases on specific themes. The next WIGO will be published in 2024 and focus on integrity and water and sanitation finance.
It will focus in particular on
The flows of finance in water and sanitation and related integrity challenges
How improving integrity improves financial viability and sustainability of service delivery
How integrity challenges vary according to context
How transparency and accountability can bring about change at scale and
What sector stakeholders can do to strengthen integrity in water and sanitation finance.
A special WIGO edition for Latin America with dedicated case studies will also be published. We are currently researching and preparing the publication of WIGO. WIGO development is overseen by a multi-stakeholder Steering Committee with expertise in anti-corruption, finance, development finance, water and sanitation.
What's your take
What is the biggest integrity risk in water and sanitation finance?
Corruption in large infrastructure contracts
Exclusion of vulnerable populations from priority setting
Criminal control of and profit from water
Misuse of funds for water and sanitation
Partner with us for WIGO
We welcome feedback and ideas. Take part in our blog series on key challenges related to integrity and water and sanitation finance or share your inputs.
"When it comes to finance, it’s not just about the provision of infrastructure but systems for the ongoing delivery of sustainable, accountable services with full participation that matters. And that’s what water integrity is about.”
- Alana Potter, End Water Poverty, member of the WIGO2024 Steering Committee