The case of Sedapal utility in Lima, Peru

Case study
Published: 2023
Developed in cooperation with the Inter-American Development Bank and SEDAPAL
A media investigation in September 2022 exposed concerning irregularities in the process of distributing free water in informal settlements in Lima, a measure that had been put in place in response to the COVID pandemic. Water was diverted and sold for completely different purposes than intended or in some cases resold to residents, instead of provided for free.
The Lima utility, SEDAPAL, took swift action in responst to the investigation, issuing public condemnations, applying sanctions, working on better oversight systems for its contractors, and working with WIN to examine integrity risks related to service in informal settlements or low-income communities.
Notably, SEDAPAL revamped its contracting procedures to include stringent clauses mandating adherence to ethical codes and community engagement protocols. It also took several measures to track the contracted tankers and open avenues for complaints.
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