Evidence from Integrity Management Processes in Utilities, Water Institutions, and Small Water System Management Committees

Case studies
Published in 2022
The Water Integrity Network (WIN) has a suite of integrity assessment and management tools to support service providers in strengthening integrity within their work processes. These adaptable tools have been developed, implemented and continuously improved with our network of WASH, finance, anti-corruption/integrity and development experts, including Caritas Switzerland, cewas, the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit [GIZ gmbH]. the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), KfW, the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI). the Kenyan Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB) and leading water utilities and organisations from Argentina to Zambia.
Globally, these integrity tools have been applied with over 130 organisations and/or community groups across Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America in both rural and urban areas. The tools have been used to address, amongst other things, misuse of financial resources, poor human resources management and nepotism, low public trust, poor customer service, and compliance issues.
Water sector stakeholders that commit to strengthening integrity are better placed to become more effective organisations. We have examples to demonstrate that measurable, positive change can be traced back to action for transparency, accountability, participation and anti-corruption across a range of different contexts worldwide.
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