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WIN news and blogs

¿Qué pueden hacer los reguladores para regular con y para la integridad? (Integrity Talk 12)
Charla de Integridad con ESAWAS sobre aspectos emergentes de la regulación, enfoque en África Oriental y Meridional y America Latina
Dec 16, 20246 min read

How to regulate FOR integrity, and WITH integrity (Integrity Talk 12)
Integrity Talk 12 on the measures to counter integrity risks that water and sanitation sector regulators face internally and externally.
Dec 16, 20246 min read

Integrity for sanitation, from containment to disposal
Developing regulatory and risk management approaches to strengthen CWIS with integrity
Nov 1, 20243 min read

Regulating Water Supply and Sanitation in Bangladesh: A Path to Sustainable Services
On the development of a stronger regulatory framework for Bangladesh sanitation, addressing conflicts of interest and integrity issues
Oct 18, 20245 min read

Financialisation: an intractable breach of integrity in the water and sewerage systems in England and Wales
An examination of water governance and regulatory challenges in England and Wales related to financialisation in water and sanitation.
Sep 9, 20241 min read

Bangladesh Water Integrity Country Programme
Ensuring better water and sanitation services and gender equality through integrity
Aug 4, 20243 min read

Kenya Water Integrity Country Programme
Promoting integrity to improve water and sanitation services and ensure sector is responsive to citizens
Aug 4, 20244 min read

Mexico Water Integrity Country Programme
Building an integrity baseline for better services for all in Mexico, leaving no one behind.
Jul 17, 20242 min read

Sequía + fallas de integridad: el origen de la crisis del agua en Ciudad de México
Alto impacto del cambio climático en servicios de agua, pero falta de agua no es la única razón de la crisis. Cuestiones de integridad
May 29, 202412 min read

Drought + Integrity Failures - The Making of a Water Crisis in Mexico City
Impact of climate change on water services is huge but lack of water is not sole reason for crisis. A look at integrity issues at play
May 29, 202411 min read

Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS): Better Projects through Integrity (Integrity Talk 9)
How CWIS is working in practice, with a focus on integrity, responsibilities, regulation and the work of utilities.
Dec 18, 20238 min read

On Regulating for Integrity in Water and Sanitation (Integrity Talk 1)
What is the role of regulators in promoting transparency, accountability, participation, and anti-corruption for water and sanitation?
Aug 9, 20238 min read

How to Deal with Inflation and Ensure Affordable Water and Sanitation Services? (Integrity Talk 4)
On the impact of inflation on water and sanitation tariffs, the ways to make services affordable and the role of integrity for HRWS
Aug 9, 20238 min read

Governments, Pay Your Water Bills
Unpaid bills by public institutions have a major impact on utility finances and undermine service delivery to people
Aug 4, 20231 min read

Regulating for and with integrity
Supporting regulatory authorities to benchmark and incentivise integrity in water and sanitation service provision
Jul 17, 20232 min read

Integrity Management Toolbox for Water Sector Organisations
A set of resources to launch and facilitate a long-term integrity change management approach in a water and sanitation sector institutions
Jul 17, 20231 min read

Integrity Management Toolbox for Small Water Supply Systems (IMT-SWSS)
Practical resources for managing committees of small water supply systems or community-based systems.
Jul 17, 20232 min read

Integrity Indicators for Monitoring of Service Providers
Monitoring utility integration for regulation
Jul 17, 20231 min read

Corruption and Integrity Failures in Bangkok's Wastewater Sector
Corruption and integrity failures in Bangkok's wastewater sector are contributing to increased levels of untreated water
Aug 11, 20221 min read

Regulating Lusaka's Urban Sanitation Sector
An examination of urban sanitation in Lusaka, with a focus on integrity, corruption risks and regulatory capacity
Oct 4, 20211 min read
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