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WIN news and blogs

WIN welcomes new Supervisory Board Chair
announcement: new water integrity network chair
Feb 31 min read

Do-it-yourself water? The benefits and pitfalls of self-supply for water and sanitation
On the benefits and challenges of self-supply, which is key to achieving SDG6 but reflects failures in upholding human rights obligations.
Jan 217 min read

¿Qué pueden hacer los reguladores para regular con y para la integridad? (Integrity Talk 12)
Charla de Integridad con ESAWAS sobre aspectos emergentes de la regulación, enfoque en África Oriental y Meridional y America Latina
Dec 16, 20246 min read

How to regulate FOR integrity, and WITH integrity (Integrity Talk 12)
Integrity Talk 12 on the measures to counter integrity risks that water and sanitation sector regulators face internally and externally.
Dec 16, 20246 min read

We’re calling out the destruction of water systems: this is hydrocide.
Putting forward the notion of 'hydrocide', the destruction or contamination of water resources and systems for water service provision.
Dec 10, 20245 min read

To provide reliable and sustainable water and sanitation, dive into open contracting
The open contracting approach shines a light on how investment reaches citizens and whether it responds to their needs.
Nov 13, 20244 min read

Qu'est-ce que la sextorsion? Que faire pour contrecarrer cette pratique?
Un récapitulatif des bases à connaître sur la corruption sexuelle dans les secteurs de l'eau et l'assainissement préparé par WIN, ANEW, End
Nov 11, 20245 min read

¿Qué es la sextorsión y qué podemos hacer al respecto?
Todo sobre los aspectos básicos de la corrupción sexual en los sectores del agua y el saneamiento
Nov 11, 20245 min read

3Rs for successful water and sanitation projects: What it takes to stop throwing money down the drain in water and sanitation work
No Reason, No Room, No Reprieve: The basics of an effective integrity strategy in water and sanitation - a how to for stopping corruption
Oct 29, 20244 min read

Regulating Water Supply and Sanitation in Bangladesh: A Path to Sustainable Services
On the development of a stronger regulatory framework for Bangladesh sanitation, addressing conflicts of interest and integrity issues
Oct 18, 20245 min read

Regulating urban sanitation: integrity and CWIS go hand in hand
How to strengthen urban sanitation regulation for CWIS and integrity - new report and recommendations for urban sanitation regulatory reform
Sep 30, 20243 min read

Integrity for Water and Sanitation Financing: Practical Solutions to Address Corruption and Ensure Every Dollar Invested Counts
The critical link between integrity in finance, governance, and successful service delivery - summary of the global launch of WIGO: Finance
Sep 26, 20246 min read

Behind the scenes of the campaign to end sex for water in Kenya
video interviews - In Kenya, a petition in parliament against sextortion is the result of years of campaigning by water organisations
Sep 10, 20244 min read

Financialisation: an intractable breach of integrity in the water and sewerage systems in England and Wales
An examination of water governance and regulatory challenges in England and Wales related to financialisation in water and sanitation.
Sep 9, 20241 min read

Wrong way round the U bend? Why the Gates Foundation’s pivot on sanitation is wrongheaded and poorly implemented
Just as world is aligning on need for better governance for water and sanitation, the Gates foundation is pivoting back to focus on tech.
Sep 2, 20244 min read

Grandes Ciudades y Escasez de Agua: Cuestiones de Rendición de Cuentas (Charla de Integridad 11)
¿Qué tienen que ver la escasez urbana de agua, el día cero y la planificación urbana con la integridad del agua y la rendición de cuentas? .
Aug 19, 20246 min read

Big Cities and Water Scarcity: Issues of Accountability (Integrity Talk 11)
What do urban water scarcity, day zero, and urban planning have to do with water integrity and accountability? A discussion, with thoughts o
Aug 19, 20245 min read

A Year in Review: Annual Report 2023
WIN's blend of research, training, integrity tools, country work is setting the tone for much needed integrity reform in water & sanitation
Jul 1, 20244 min read

Understanding integrity in informal settlements, as a water service provider or decision-maker (new course)
On the importance of better understanding integrity risks related to poor water and sanitation in slums, with intro to new course
Jun 24, 20243 min read

Youth for Integrity in Water and Sanitation (Integrity Talk 10)
Integrity Talk 10 summary: on youth engagement for water integrity - networking, advocating change, monitoring budgets & election promises
Jun 14, 20246 min read
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