Who we are
By promoting integrity and addressing corruption in water and sanitation, together we can transform water and sanitation management and service delivery to reach everyone, including the most marginalised.
We work as a global research and advocacy partnership, focusing on:
awareness raising for integrity,
training and knowledge sharing on clean water governance,
technical assistance to water and sanitation organisations, to assess integrity risks and prevent corruption.
Join and support us to ensure transparency, accountability, participation, and anti-corruption shake up the water and sanitation sectors for good.
"The challenges facing the water sector are immense and no single actor can solve them alone. Only through concerted efforts by all stakeholders—including governments, public institutions, businesses, private organisations, and civil society—can these challenges be confronted.
WIN invites you to join this journey, and to promote a culture of integrity in pursuit of a socially just world in which everyone has access to decent water and sanitation services."

Barbara Schreiner, WIN Executive Director
Strategy 2023-2033
Water integrity partners
We work with more than 65 partners from all over the world, including civil society organisations, international development organisations, sector funders, water and sanitation service providers, regulators, and associations.
Becoming a partner is free and open to any organisation aligned with WIN’s values. Formal WIN partners publicly commit to launching integrity initiatives and are supported by the WIN team. WIN teamWIN team.WIN
WIN team
We are small, dedicated, international team based in Berlin, Germany and Nairobi, Kenya.

Barbara Schreiner

Kelly Acuña
Programme Lead
Latin America, Regulation

Mary Galvin
Programme Lead
Research, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

Eliška Godiveau
Finance and Administration Officer

Claire Grandadam
Programme Lead

Marcela López
Programme Lead
Capacity Development and Knowledge Development

George Osoro
Programme Lead
East Africa

Klaus Dieter Pahlke
Finance and Administration Manager

Rebecca Sands
Programme Lead
Tools, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion

Josefa Vergara
Capacity Building, Knowledge Management, Network Officer

Ivan Zupan

Ruchika Satish
Programme Lead
South Asia, Network, Sanitation
Talented interns and work students regularly enrich the team and we are grateful for their contribution. Interested in joining us as well? Check our opportunities or get in touch directly.

The General Assembly of Members is the primary governance body of the WIN association. It decides on long-term strategy as well as annual planning, and is composed of up to 15 members, including organisations and individuals.
Three to five WIN members are elected to form the Supervisory Board and provide oversight of the WIN Executive Director. The Board is currently composed of: Ede Ijjasz (Chair of the Board), Peter Conze, Robert Gakubia, Alana Potter, and Jane Nabunnya, IRC Uganda Country Director as representative of IRC.
The Supervisory Board appointed Barbara Schreiner as the Association’s Executive Director (Vorstand) in 2018.
Current General Assembly Members
Current General Assembly Members
How do I enroll?To register for online courses, click on the descriptions of the course(s) you wish to enroll in and follow the registration links. Most courses are held on the Cap-Net educational platform for which you will need to register using your email address.
Does WIN offer any in-person courses?Currently, all free courses are being offered online only, where participants can join at their own pace. WIN does provide (paid) bespoke trainings to organisations on demand. To explore opportunities for collaboration, please contact the WIN programme lead for capacity development at info@win-s.org
What are the requirements to join a course?WIN’s online courses are for anyone who would like to learn more about integrity and corruption in the water and sanitation sectors, and no prior knowledge or experience is required. An internet connection and device to access the courses are the only technical requirements.
How can I get a certificate?Certification is automatic upon completion of a course.
Why follow a course on water integrity?Integrity plays a crucial and overlooked role in improving water and sanitation financing and programme development. WIN online courses will help water and sanitation professionals better understand the risks that can undermine their work and their institution’s reputation. Participants will also learn to identify the root causes of corruption and poor integrity, develop innovative approaches, and deliver projects that are more transparent, accountable, and participatory.
World Youth Parliament for WaterThe World Youth Parliament for Water is a network of passionate young people making waves of change in the water sector in over 80 countries.
Global Water Operators' Partnerships Alliance (GWOPA)The Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance (GWOPA) is an international network created to support water operators through Water Operator’s Partnerships (WOPs), peer support exchanges between two or more water operators, on a not-for-profit basis.
International Water Management Institute (IWMI)The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is a non-profit international water management research organisation under the CGIAR
End Water PovertyEnd Water Poverty is a global civil society coalition campaigning for governments to respect, protect and fulfil people’s human rights to safe water and sanitation.
Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) is a not-for-profit institute working globally to change how water is understood, valued and managed.
AquafedAquaFed is the International Federation of Private Water Operators.
IRCIRC is an international think tank actively building strong water, sanitation and hygiene systems – from the bottom up and the top down.
Fermin ReygadasFermin Reygadas has 20 years of experience working towards the fulfillment of the human rights to water and sanitation and the equitable management of water resources. He is co-founder and Executive Director of Cantaro Azul and a board member of the first public-community municipal water institution in Mexico. Fermin has served as an advisor to the Water Resources Committees in the Congress of Chiapas and the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico. For his track record of innovation and systemic change, Fermín has been elected as an Ashoka Fellow.
Dick van GinhovenDick van Ginhoven is a consultant for the Water Finance Facility (WFF) and UNICEF in the East Asia Regional WASH Programme. He previously was a diplomat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. From 2004 to 2017, he was responsible for the formulation and implementation of the DGIS development policy for drinking water and sanitation. In this period, Dick was member of the Governing Council of the WSP/World Bank, the WSSCC and SWA. He held several positions at the Ministry, in southern Africa, in the Gulf region and in North Africa. He joined the WIN Supervisory Board in 2017.
Ede IjjaszEde Ijjász-Vásquez retired from the World Bank after a 23-year career. He is a nonresident senior fellow in the Africa Growth Initiative at Brooking and an advisor for sustainable development organisations. He led work in a wide range of development topics including global environmental issues, sustainable development, green infrastructure, smart cities, water resources, climate change, agriculture, blue economy, resilience and disaster risk management, fragility and conflict, resettlement, PPPs, ESG, and urban development. He worked in more than 90 developing and emerging countries in all regions of the world – from fragile and conflict-affected countries to high middle-income countries. He also has over 20 years of teaching experience at the graduate level in the US and China.
Peter ConzePeter Conze is a co-founder and partner of the Humboldt-Viadrina Governance Platform, and on the advisory board of the Garment Industries Transparency Initiative. He worked for 35 years for the German aid agency Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammentarbeit (GIZ), where he served as Africa director and was Division Chief of GIZ for Eastern Europe. He also served as government advisor to the Ministry of Finance. He was a founder of Transparency International (TI) and advises on Africa activities. In addition, he is a member of the TI-Germany Board of Directors.
Alana PotterAlana Potter is the Head of Research and Advocacy at the Equality Collective, a community-based law clinic in the Eastern Cape. Alana has extensive water sector experience, starting at the Mvula Trust in South Africa, and continuing as lead of IRC’s Africa Regional programme, working with public, private, and civil society actors in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. Alana was Director of Research and Advocacy at the Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI), and then coordinator of End Water Poverty (hosted by WaterAid), a global civil society coalition of more than 150 civil society organisations in 80 countries focusing on the realisation of their rights to safe water and sanitation and a safe environment. She has and is advising Human Rights Watch; the AMCOW International Task Force; the UN Water Expert Group; the Africa Water Justice Network’s interim steering committee; the Water Integrity Network’s Supervisory Board; Accountability for Water’s global advisory group; Sanitation and Water for All’s grants committee; the steering committee for the Public Interest Law Gathering (2017-2020), and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) CSO Coalition, among others.
Robert GakubiaRobert Gakubia is the outgoing CEO of the Water Services Regulatory Board of Kenya. He is an expert on regulation and institutional development issues in the water sector and has significant hands-on experience in water policy, water law, and water sector administration. He was previously Chief Engineer/Director of Water Services at the Kenyan Ministry of Water where he first started his career in public service. He was in the strategic leadership team of the Kenyan water sector reform after 2004 and was a key member of the Team preparing Vision 2030 for the Kenyan water sector in 2005-2007 and the first Medium Term Plan [2008 - 2012] for its implementation.
Vasudha PangareVasudha Pangare has been working as a gender equality and social inclusion specialist in the areas of land and water management, environment conservation, climate change, water for agriculture, water supply, rural livelihoods, policy and governance for almost four decades. She has extensive field experience across Asia and Africa. She has contributed to global, thematic, national and programme evaluations of FAO's work in gender, water, and agriculture. She is a Gender Advisor to UNESCO's World Water Assessment Programme, and is an author of the UNESCO WWAP toolkit on sex-disaggregated water data, assessment and monitoring.
Oriana RomanoOriana Romano heads the OECD Water Governance Initiative and coordinates the programme on the Economics and Governance of Circular economy In Cities at the Cities, Urban Policies, and Sustainable Development Division of the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities. Before joining OECD in 2013, she was research assistant and university lecturer in Environmental Economics at the Centre for International Business and Sustainability in London Metropolitan University and at the Department of Social Science of the University "L'Orientale" in Naples. (Naples, Italy).
How do I enroll?To register for online courses, click on the descriptions of the course(s) you wish to enroll in and follow the registration links. Most courses are held on the Cap-Net educational platform for which you will need to register using your email address.
Does WIN offer any in-person courses?Currently, all free courses are being offered online only, where participants can join at their own pace. WIN does provide (paid) bespoke trainings to organisations on demand. To explore opportunities for collaboration, please contact the WIN programme lead for capacity development at info@win-s.org
What are the requirements to join a course?WIN’s online courses are for anyone who would like to learn more about integrity and corruption in the water and sanitation sectors, and no prior knowledge or experience is required. An internet connection and device to access the courses are the only technical requirements.
How can I get a certificate?Certification is automatic upon completion of a course.
Why follow a course on water integrity?Integrity plays a crucial and overlooked role in improving water and sanitation financing and programme development. WIN online courses will help water and sanitation professionals better understand the risks that can undermine their work and their institution’s reputation. Participants will also learn to identify the root causes of corruption and poor integrity, develop innovative approaches, and deliver projects that are more transparent, accountable, and participatory.
World Youth Parliament for WaterThe World Youth Parliament for Water is a network of passionate young people making waves of change in the water sector in over 80 countries.
Global Water Operators' Partnerships Alliance (GWOPA)The Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance (GWOPA) is an international network created to support water operators through Water Operator’s Partnerships (WOPs), peer support exchanges between two or more water operators, on a not-for-profit basis.
International Water Management Institute (IWMI)The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is a non-profit international water management research organisation under the CGIAR
End Water PovertyEnd Water Poverty is a global civil society coalition campaigning for governments to respect, protect and fulfil people’s human rights to safe water and sanitation.
Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) is a not-for-profit institute working globally to change how water is understood, valued and managed.
AquafedAquaFed is the International Federation of Private Water Operators.
IRCIRC is an international think tank actively building strong water, sanitation and hygiene systems – from the bottom up and the top down.
Fermin ReygadasFermin Reygadas has 20 years of experience working towards the fulfillment of the human rights to water and sanitation and the equitable management of water resources. He is co-founder and Executive Director of Cantaro Azul and a board member of the first public-community municipal water institution in Mexico. Fermin has served as an advisor to the Water Resources Committees in the Congress of Chiapas and the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico. For his track record of innovation and systemic change, Fermín has been elected as an Ashoka Fellow.
Dick van GinhovenDick van Ginhoven is a consultant for the Water Finance Facility (WFF) and UNICEF in the East Asia Regional WASH Programme. He previously was a diplomat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. From 2004 to 2017, he was responsible for the formulation and implementation of the DGIS development policy for drinking water and sanitation. In this period, Dick was member of the Governing Council of the WSP/World Bank, the WSSCC and SWA. He held several positions at the Ministry, in southern Africa, in the Gulf region and in North Africa. He joined the WIN Supervisory Board in 2017.
Ede IjjaszEde Ijjász-Vásquez retired from the World Bank after a 23-year career. He is a nonresident senior fellow in the Africa Growth Initiative at Brooking and an advisor for sustainable development organisations. He led work in a wide range of development topics including global environmental issues, sustainable development, green infrastructure, smart cities, water resources, climate change, agriculture, blue economy, resilience and disaster risk management, fragility and conflict, resettlement, PPPs, ESG, and urban development. He worked in more than 90 developing and emerging countries in all regions of the world – from fragile and conflict-affected countries to high middle-income countries. He also has over 20 years of teaching experience at the graduate level in the US and China.
Peter ConzePeter Conze is a co-founder and partner of the Humboldt-Viadrina Governance Platform, and on the advisory board of the Garment Industries Transparency Initiative. He worked for 35 years for the German aid agency Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammentarbeit (GIZ), where he served as Africa director and was Division Chief of GIZ for Eastern Europe. He also served as government advisor to the Ministry of Finance. He was a founder of Transparency International (TI) and advises on Africa activities. In addition, he is a member of the TI-Germany Board of Directors.
Alana PotterAlana Potter is the Head of Research and Advocacy at the Equality Collective, a community-based law clinic in the Eastern Cape. Alana has extensive water sector experience, starting at the Mvula Trust in South Africa, and continuing as lead of IRC’s Africa Regional programme, working with public, private, and civil society actors in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. Alana was Director of Research and Advocacy at the Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI), and then coordinator of End Water Poverty (hosted by WaterAid), a global civil society coalition of more than 150 civil society organisations in 80 countries focusing on the realisation of their rights to safe water and sanitation and a safe environment. She has and is advising Human Rights Watch; the AMCOW International Task Force; the UN Water Expert Group; the Africa Water Justice Network’s interim steering committee; the Water Integrity Network’s Supervisory Board; Accountability for Water’s global advisory group; Sanitation and Water for All’s grants committee; the steering committee for the Public Interest Law Gathering (2017-2020), and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) CSO Coalition, among others.
Robert GakubiaRobert Gakubia is the outgoing CEO of the Water Services Regulatory Board of Kenya. He is an expert on regulation and institutional development issues in the water sector and has significant hands-on experience in water policy, water law, and water sector administration. He was previously Chief Engineer/Director of Water Services at the Kenyan Ministry of Water where he first started his career in public service. He was in the strategic leadership team of the Kenyan water sector reform after 2004 and was a key member of the Team preparing Vision 2030 for the Kenyan water sector in 2005-2007 and the first Medium Term Plan [2008 - 2012] for its implementation.
Vasudha PangareVasudha Pangare has been working as a gender equality and social inclusion specialist in the areas of land and water management, environment conservation, climate change, water for agriculture, water supply, rural livelihoods, policy and governance for almost four decades. She has extensive field experience across Asia and Africa. She has contributed to global, thematic, national and programme evaluations of FAO's work in gender, water, and agriculture. She is a Gender Advisor to UNESCO's World Water Assessment Programme, and is an author of the UNESCO WWAP toolkit on sex-disaggregated water data, assessment and monitoring.
Oriana RomanoOriana Romano heads the OECD Water Governance Initiative and coordinates the programme on the Economics and Governance of Circular economy In Cities at the Cities, Urban Policies, and Sustainable Development Division of the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities. Before joining OECD in 2013, she was research assistant and university lecturer in Environmental Economics at the Centre for International Business and Sustainability in London Metropolitan University and at the Department of Social Science of the University "L'Orientale" in Naples. (Naples, Italy).
Funders and supporters
WIN’s work is possible thanks to the contributions and ideas of our partners and members who implement programmes with us on water integrity worldwide and thanks to the funding of GIZ, the Hewlett Foundation, the Inter-American Development Bank, NVF, and the governments of the Netherlands (via DGIS), Sweden (via Sida) and Switzerland (via SDC).
Thank you!
Announcements of vacancies, internships, volunteer opportunities, and calls for proposals for services, for WIN and our close partners are posted here.