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Who we are

​The Water Integrity Network (WIN) advocates for integrity in the water and sanitation sectors to reduce corruption risks and improve services, for the benefit of all.


Access to safe water and sanitation are fundamental human rights. Our goal is to contribute to the realisation of these rights, as well as ensure the sustainable use of water resources in the face of the climate crisis.



WIN envisions a world in which integrity governs the management and delivery of water and sanitation for all, including the poor and the most marginalised.


WIN champions integrity and supports stakeholders to build integrity practices in water and sanitation, with a particular focus on the benefits this brings to vulnerable groups. 

Guiding Values

We are committed to collaborative, high-quality, impactful work that creates sustainable change in water and sanitation. We work for the benefit of all, with a focus on the needs of the poorest communities.

What we do

Support for local integrity programmes or collective action initiatives (with partners or local stakeholders)

Advocacy and awareness raising on the need for integrity (with partners for local, regional, and international institutions)

Research and integrity risk assessments (for utilities, regulators, and partners working at sector level) 

Country water integrity programmes in Bangladesh, Kenya, and Mexico

Support to the launch of integrity management processes (for utilities and small scale water providers)

Facilitation of knowledge exchange (for partners and sector professionals)

Training (for partners and sector professionals)

Technical advisory (for regulators and sector institutions)

Water Integrity Network website assets-1
Bubbles in water.

"The challenges facing the water sector are immense and no single actor can solve them alone. Only through concerted efforts by all stakeholders—including governments, public institutions, businesses, private organisations, and civil society—can these challenges be confronted.


WIN invites you to join this journey, and to promote a culture of integrity in pursuit of a socially just world in which everyone has access to decent water and sanitation services."

WIN Executive Director - Barbara Schreiner, Strategy 2023-2033

Network and partners

WIN is a global, open network of individuals and organisations. We bring people together with integrity as a guiding principle, to improve water management and service delivery.

With our local and advocacy partners, we are pushing for change step by step. Local country partners, especially in WIN focus countries Bangladesh, Kenya, and Mexico, raise awareness, spearhead integrity action, and promote integrity tools.


Becoming a partner is free and open to any organisation aligned with WIN’s values.

We work with more than 65 partners from all over the world, including civil society organisations, international development organisations, sector funders, water and sanitation service providers, regulators, and associations.


Formal WIN partners publicly commit to launching integrity initiatives and are supported by the WIN team.

WIN team

WIN is made up of a small multinational team of experts in water and anti-corruption. The team is primarily based in Berlin, Germany.

General Assembly of Members 2023

To respond to increasing concerns among water professionals regarding the impact of corruption in the sector, WIN was founded in 2006 by IRC, the Stockholm International Water Institute, Swedish Water House, Transparency International, and the World Bank Water and Sanitation Program. Formerly hosted by Transparency International, in 2014 WIN became an independent association, based in Berlin, Germany.

The General Assembly of Members is the primary governance body of the WIN association. It decides on long-term strategy as well as annual planning, and is composed of up to 15 members, including organisations and individuals.

Three to five WIN members are elected to form the Supervisory Board and provide oversight of the WIN Executive Director. The Board is currently composed of: Letitia Obeng (Chair of the Board), Peter Conze, Robert Gakubia, and Alana Potter, and Jane Nabunnya, IRC Uganda Country Director as representative of IRC.


The Supervisory Board appointed Barbara Schreiner as the Association’s Executive Director (Vorstand) in 2018.

Funders and supporters

WIN’s work is possible thanks to the contributions and ideas of our partners and members who implement programmes with us on water integrity worldwide and thanks to the funding of GIZ, the Hewlett Foundation, the Inter-American Development Bank, NVF, and the governments of the Netherlands (via DGIS), Sweden (via Sida) and Switzerland (via SDC).

Thank you!

Water springs from a whole in a pipe that runs through a mountain landscape. By Butenop.jpg
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Announcements of vacancies, internships, volunteer opportunities, and calls for proposals for services, for WIN and our close partners are posted here.

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