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Clean water needs clean governance

Water and sanitation are vital but too often left  vulnerable to poor integrity, corruption, and malpractice.


The Water Integrity Network advocates for integrity  at the heart of water management and service delivery, for all.


Water integrity?
It's essential

Corruption and poor integrity are global issues. They lead to ineffective water and sanitation infrastructure, unchecked pollution, unprepared service providers, and whole communities left with unsafe water, or no water at all. 


Together, we can change this and protect the water and sanitation sectors worldwide through integrity.

Water integrity means using power and resources ethically and honestly for sustainable and equitable water and sanitation management.

It means work is done with professionalism, decisions are made in the public interest, and money is used where intended and needed.

silhouettes of two fishermen on a small rowing boat, casting a net in an expanse of water with chimneys from industry in the background

What you can do

Water integrity is not a pipe dream. There are many practical ways to ensure sector institutions are run with integrity and without impunity.

Integrity in water and sanitation is something we can build and nurture through Transparency, Accountabiltiy, Participation, and Anti-corruption.


Understand integrity risks

Strengthen your work with integrity

Become a partner


  • Info Session: Integrity Management Toolbox  for Small Water Supply Systems
    Info Session: Integrity Management Toolbox  for Small Water Supply Systems
    Wed, 17 Jul
    17 Jul 2024, 12:00 GMT+3
    17 Jul 2024, 12:00 GMT+3
    How to support integrity in community-managed water systems using the IMT-SWSS: background, tips for implementation, examples, and partnership opportunities.
  • Integrity Basics: Understanding Corruption in Water and Sanitation
    Integrity Basics: Understanding Corruption in Water and Sanitation
    Open now: Self-paced course
    Online course - CAP-NET Virtual Campus
    Open now: Self-paced course
    Online course - CAP-NET Virtual Campus
    Open now: Self-paced course
    Online course - CAP-NET Virtual Campus
    An intro to corruption and integrity in the water and sanitation sectors, with input on cirtical vulnerabilities and tools for action based on the four principles of integrity: Transparency, Accountability, Participation, Anti-corruption
  • Integrity in Informal Settlements: Securing the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation
    Integrity in Informal Settlements: Securing the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation
    Open now: self-paced course
    Online course - CAP-NET Virtual Campus
    Open now: self-paced course
    Online course - CAP-NET Virtual Campus
    Open now: self-paced course
    Online course - CAP-NET Virtual Campus
    How can we justify exclusion from service of millions of city residents when water and sanitation are human rights? Why are residents of informal settlements often paying far more for water than residents of wealthy neighbourhoods? It's time we rethink service delivery to really leave no one behind.

Missed the latest Integrity Talk? See all past summaries and videos here.

Water springs from a hole in a pipe propped up by rocks, in a mountain landscape. By Butenop


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Partner network

Our network, events, and tools are open and available to all. We welcome collaboration, questions, feedback, and ideas.


Organisations that wish to show their commitment to improving integrity in water and sanitation management and actively collaborate on integrity programmes are also invited to partner with us formally.

Take a stand for water integrity: become a formal WIN partner now.

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